File-AID Training

August - December 1996

Classes offered:

Basic File-AID (1 day class)

Primary Audience: End Users with a need to work with data files.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with TSO/ISPF.

This course provides instructions for using File-AID to access (browse and edit) data files. Partitioned data sets and File-AID utilities are not covered.

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File-AID 8.0/Online (3 day class)

Primary Audience: Application Programmers, Data Administrators, and Data Managers.

Prerequisites: A working knowledge of ISPF/PDF, familiarity with OS/JCL, and familiarity with COBOL or PL/I.

This course teaches both current and future users about the capabilities of the File-AID 8.0 product.

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File-AID Batch (2 day class)

Primary Audience: Application Programmers, Data Administrators, and Data Users.

Prerequisites: A working knowledge of MVS concepts and file types.

Upon completion, the students will be able to utilize the features of the Online product in a batch setting.

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File-AID Differences: 6.5 to 8.0 (1 day class)

Primary Audience: Application Programmers, Data Administrators, and Data Users.

Prerequisites: Working knowledge of version 6.5 of File-AID/SPF and File-AID/XE.

This course introduces the new look and feel of the File-AID 8.0 product, and identifies the enhancements to the 6.5 product as well as the new features of 8.0.

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